Features and Configuration
This article describes the various functions and configuration options of the comment script.
Latest Comments
The list with the latest posted comments contains all entries sorted by date descending. You can edit, delete, approve or disapprove comments.
Page List
By default the script uses the request URI as a unique identifier to assign comments to their corresponding pages. The request URI is the path including all parameters behind the hostname of a URL. I.e.:
URL: http://www.example.com/news/page.php?id=231
The request URI would be:
The admin area shows a list of those pages. You can assign an individual name for each page. It is also able to make the script using external identifiers which do not depend on the request URI. Add following line to your PHP file above the line where you include the script. It would have to look like this:
$c5t_identifier_key = 'your_individual_identifier';
include './include.php';
Comment List
When you open a page, a list with all corresponding comments appears. You can edit, delete, sort and search in comments. You can here edit, delete, approve or disapprove comments.
Admin Account
In this section you can change login name, e-mail, and login password.
Configuration -> General Settings
The settings section allows you to:
Change the language of the script
Hide or display comments
Hide or display comment form
Change the number of comments per page (front end)
Change the comment order direction (front end)
Set the script URL
Activate comment moderation
The backup section of the admin area allows you to export, import, download or delete a backup file. A backup file contains all data from the database including settings.
Please note: The admin account information (login name, e-mail address and password) are neither exported nor imported in order to make sure those information do not change unexpectedly when you work with backups.
When you click "Export Backup" the script will write all data into a file in the folder /cache/backup/. The file name consists of the date (ISO standard) and time of the export. The content is formatted in MySQL statements which make it possible for you to import it using any other MySQL administration tool such as phpMyAdmin.
If you want to import a backup, simply select the one you intend to import from the list and click "Import Backup".
Attention: Importing a backup will delete (as in completely destroy) all existing data. It is advised to export a backup first.
This option allows you to save a local copy of the export file. This way you can upload the backup to your server in case of a full data loss including all files on your server.
This option will delete a backup file.