
Admin Account

In this section you can change login name, e-mail, and login password.


Language for Admin Area and Front End

You can set the default language for both areas of the script. That setting will be overwritten, if the user's browser language settings are different or the user selects a language manually. The changed language setting will be stored in a cookie.

Display language selection

Set this option to "No" if you want to hide the language menu.

Use UTF-8 language files

The folder /language/ contains the subfolder /utf-8/ which contains files with UTF-8 encoded text. If you set this option to "Yes", the script will use the language files from the subfolder.

If you want to use a non-latin language with the script, UTF-8 is your choice.

Display entries

Set this option to "No" in order to hide the guestbook entries.

Display comment form

Set this option to "No" in order to hide the entry form.

Display turn off messages

If you have disabled entries, you can either tell your visitors about it - or not.

Separate Comment Form

You can either place the entry form below the entry list or on a separate page.

Front-end - entries per page

Number of entries per page on the front end side.

Front-end entry order direction

You can list the entries on the front end side sorted by date in ascending or descending order.

Enable moderation

If moderation is activated, the admin has to approve all comments before they appear on the frond end.

Publish Delay (in minutes)

This option allows you to automatically delay the publishing of a comment to simulate comment moderation or for whatever purpose you might want to use it.

URL Handling

You can also set the look of the page URL. There are three modes available:

  • URL Parameter (

  • Query String (

  • .htaccess Mod Rewrite (

Query String is the default setting. Mod Rewrite only works on an Apache server.