GuerrillaMail Statistics

(August 10, 2007)

GuerrillaMail is our disposable e-mail address (DEA) service that attempts to reduce the spam in your inbox.The project was started last year in November and has served hundreds of thousands of users with a temporary e-mail address since then.

Nearly 190,000 addresses have been generated and the system has processed over 2.68 Mio e-mails in the last nine months. Only 115,000 of them were valid. That is less than 5%. These e-mails have been received while the corresponding e-mail address was active. In other words, 2.57 Mio e-mails were unrequested or simply came too late.

After six months in use we had to replace the e-mail domain with because suddenly around 1 Mio e-mails were pouring in within one week. That is around 140,000 e-mails per day, almost 6,000 per hour and nearly 100 e-mails per minute. That was a bit too much for the system. But soon we will update the software and are waiting anxiously for the next 1-Mio-week. ;-)

PS: You want to start your own disposable e-mail address service? Then you might want to take a look at our Temporary E-mail Script.

Update: GuerrillaMail isn't ours anymore.